Oliver Roth is re-staging the funeral of his mother after 10 years newly. Casually and radically he reminisces, catches up on his grief of back then and tells what happened since his mother died. With brutal honesty, he performs a dialogue with the deceased and with the audience simultaneously. He speaks about common visits at the doctor, the certainty of an early death, labour of grief on the countryside and truisms. While the audience witnesses a grieving man, it sees itself confronted with death in its most profane way.
6.6.2019 Instituto Svizzero Rom
24.+ 25.10.2018 zeitraumexit Mannheim
28.+ 29.11.2017 ROXY Birsfelden
1.- 3.12.2016 Tanzhaus Zürich
15.10.2016 Nacht der 1000 Fragen Biel/Bienne
15.+ 16.8.2016 far° Festival des arts vivants Nyon
Photos ©Arthur Bauer
A performance by Oliver Roth / In collaboration with Demian Jakob, Daniela Ruocco, Pablo Weber / Mentoring by Yan Duyvendak / Further cooperation and thanks to Rabea Grand, Benny Hauser, Jessica Huber, James Leadbitter, Balz Isler / Produced by General Performances and far° festival des arts vivants Nyon / Co-produced by Tanzhaus Zürich / With support of Burgergemeinde Bern, Dampfzentrale Bern, Fondation Nestlé pour L‘Art, Gessnerallee Zürich, Migros Kulturprozent, Nacht der 1000 Fragen Biel and Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council